Ss. Nicodemus and Joseph Burial Society

Orthodox Christian Burial

Modern burials differ greatly from those of the Ancient Church. The Church has always honored the human body as created in the image of God and as a precious vessel of the Holy Spirit. Thus, when the body transfers from earth to Life Eternal we consider it a sacred event.

We also know that whatever the Spirit of God touches, it sanctifies — such as when the woman touched the hem of Christ’s garment and experienced the healing power of Christ coming through the garment. The garment itself had no life in it, but it was still imbued with the power of the Holy Spirit. When the soul has separated from the body of a faithful Christian, the body still remains precious and sanctified because of the Holy Spirit having dwelt there. Prayerful handling and cleansing of that sacred vessel by a team of brothers and sisters in Christ seems both appropriate and blessed.

Ancient Christian burial practices prayerfully prepare a body for its separation from its soul — a sad reality that God never intended. But the body is also prepared for their upcoming banquet with the King of Kings.

Support Provided

  • Assistance with making decisions about your Orthodox burial, such as choosing a casket, cemetery, transportation, etc.

  • Orthodox tradition calls for Psalms to be read as the soul separates from the body. A Psalm Reading sign up goes out to the parish and to any contacts provided by the family in advance. The team will also immediately notify the Myrrhbearers Ministry for their prayers. Incense is traditional but can be omitted by request.

  • Parish ministries may be able to assist with meals or receptions offered after the Trisagion or funeral service.

  • Preparation of the body is done in a prayerful, private, and dignified manner at home, a care facility, a funeral home, etc. The covered body is cleansed, anointed, and prepared for transport. If using a funeral home, they will transport and use a cooler until the funeral. If the family wishes to keep the body at home until the funeral, other methods for cooling the body can be employed by the family, with guidance from the burial society. Dressing can be done by the team or a funeral home. If under refrigeration, final dressing will occur just prior to the funeral. If at home, under simple cooling, dressing can happen at preparation.

Prayers for the Sick, Dying, and Departed

Customize these prayers with the name and gender of the person you're praying for.

Prayer for the Sick

Almighty Lord, Physician of souls and bodies, look down upon Your servant, ________ with Your great mercy, for he/she is suffering great infirmity of body and soul. Stretch forth Your loving arm which is so full of healing and health, and is able to raise ________ from his/her bed of pain. Reprove the spirit of weakness which is in ________. Drive far from him/her that which is afflicting by pain, wounds, chills, fever, or weakness of body.

In your love for mankind; loosen, remit, and forgive all the sins of your servant, ________, whether committed in thought, word or deed; intentionally, or unwittingly; that he/she might also know healing of soul.

Yea, O Lord, our God, have pity on Your creation, through the compassion of Your only-begotten Son, together with Your All-Holy, Good, and Life-Giving Spirit, both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the Dying

O Lord Jesus Christ our God, for the sake of Your most holy wounds, hear our prayer and forgive all the transgressions of your humble servant, ________. At the moment of his/her death, accept into Your merciful hands his/her soul cleansed of all stain of sin, and place him/her with Your Saints in the resplendent light of Your Kingdom. For You are our salvation and redemption, and we give glory to You, together with Your Eternal Father, and Your All-holy, Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for Your Own Sickness

O Lord Jesus Christ, my God, who became Man and suffered death on the Cross for our salvation; visit me in my suffering and grant me grace and strength to bear that which is afflicting me even unto my salvation. Put far from me the spirit of disease, and every malady, pain, fever or wound to which they are bound. You who are the Healer of all, bring healing to me, of all manner of infirmity that plagues my body. And in Your tender mercy and compassion, grant, also, forgiveness of my sins which painfully wound my soul. Look upon these great weaknesses, but deal not with me according to my sins, but according to Your loving-kindness. Grant wisdom and skill of hand to all who minister to me in this infirmity of body and bless all the means used for my recovery. For You are the Good God who loves mankind. And to You we ascribe all glory; to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Spirit, both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer When Sickness Increases

O Lord Jesus Christ, Our God and Savior, for our sake You were born; and for our sake You were hungry and thirsty; for our sake You were mocked, scourged, and crowned with thorns. For our sake You suffered and died on the cross, offering up Your divine life for our salvation. As You now grant Your servant, ________ to share in Your sufferings, grant him/her also to share in Your Grace. May Your wounds heal the wounds of ________'s sins. May Your precious Blood wash away the stains of his/her sins. May Your Divine Righteousness purge ________ of every iniquity. Look upon his/her faith in You, and the faith of us who pray, and do what is best for ________ according to Your mercy, rather than our merit. As sickness increases in him/her, so likewise increase Your Power and Strength in ________. Let not ________'s faith waver, nor him/her hope to fail, nor him/her love to grow cold. Let not the fear of suffering and death cause ________ to cast away him/her hope in You, nor to lose courage and the will to fight every sickness and sin. Let ________ rather look always to You, even to the very end, and cry out, as You, Yourself cried from the cross to God: “Into Your hands, I commend My Spirit”, where all the saints continually shine with Your divine glory. For You have suffered that we might be healed. You have died that we might live Eternally and send up thanksgiving and praise to You, to the Father, Who sent You, and Your most Holy Spirit, who strengthens us to share Your passion, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for One Terminally Ill

O Almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray to You for your Servant ________ whose sickness is bringing him/her to the end of his/her earthly life. You are the God whose only-begotten Son taught us that not even the smallest sparrow can fall without Your knowledge, and that You hold all creation in Your merciful arms. Look upon your servant ________ and allow this illness to be for the death only of those things which are the result of evil and sin. Let ________'s thoughts be quieted with the peace and confidence of his/her final deliverance into the fullness of Your love. Keep his/her soul and body pure, and sanctify him/her during the time ________ remains among us, that on the last day ________ may be raised up with all Your saints to live with You in never-ending glory. For to You belong all praise and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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To get in touch with the burial society, email