Ss. Nicodemus and Joseph Burial Society
Orthodox Christian Burial
Modern burials differ greatly from those of the Ancient Church. The Church has always honored the human body as created in the image of God and as a precious vessel of the Holy Spirit. Thus, when the body transfers from earth to Life Eternal we consider it a sacred event.
We also know that whatever the Spirit of God touches, it sanctifies — such as when the woman touched the hem of Christ’s garment and experienced the healing power of Christ coming through the garment. The garment itself had no life in it, but it was still imbued with the power of the Holy Spirit. When the soul has separated from the body of a faithful Christian, the body still remains precious and sanctified because of the Holy Spirit having dwelt there. Prayerful handling and cleansing of that sacred vessel by a team of brothers and sisters in Christ seems both appropriate and blessed.
Ancient Christian burial practices prayerfully prepare a body for its separation from its soul — a sad reality that God never intended. But the body is also prepared for their upcoming banquet with the King of Kings.
Support Provided
Assistance with making decisions about your Orthodox burial, such as choosing a casket, cemetery, transportation, etc.
Orthodox tradition calls for Psalms to be read as the soul separates from the body. A Psalm Reading sign up goes out to the parish and to any contacts provided by the family in advance. The team will also immediately notify the Myrrhbearers Ministry for their prayers. Incense is traditional but can be omitted by request.
Parish ministries may be able to assist with meals or receptions offered after the Trisagion or funeral service.
Preparation of the body is done in a prayerful, private, and dignified manner at home, a care facility, a funeral home, etc. The covered body is cleansed, anointed, and prepared for transport. If using a funeral home, they will transport and use a cooler until the funeral. If the family wishes to keep the body at home until the funeral, other methods for cooling the body can be employed by the family, with guidance from the burial society. Dressing can be done by the team or a funeral home. If under refrigeration, final dressing will occur just prior to the funeral. If at home, under simple cooling, dressing can happen at preparation.
Prayers for the Sick, Dying, and Departed
Connect With Us
To get in touch with the burial society, email burialsociety@saintspyridon.church